If you follow any modern day prophets, you've probably heard that many believe there's a third great awakening coming to America that will surpass all other revivals in scope and reach. Whether you believe that or not, let me tell you some things we've seen and experienced. Let me start with a story. Many people remember the Folgers commercial jingles (that never leave your head) singing, "The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup." Or, Juan Valdez confidently stating that his coffee is "Good to the last drop". These companies and many more brought coffee to the masses in airtight, pre-ground cans of coffee roasted in huge facilities. In the coffee industry, this is commonly referred to the "first wave" of coffee. If there's a first, there has to be a second, right?! The "second wave" consisted of artisan coffee and roasts being brought to every street corner in America. Although not all encompassing, Starbucks is the best picture of the second wave of coffee. There is much more to this history, but I'm quickly describing it all for a parallel, an illustration if you will, of what's happening in America now. Next, came the "third wave" of coffee. The third wave was far more encompassing then either of the previous waves. People got extremely 'nerdy' about coffee, all the way down to the chemical reactions that take place. They decided, coffee in its purest form was best. They created different ways of making coffee to give a person the best experience possible. Independent coffee shops popped up everywhere breaking all the rules of what had been known before. They didn't do the status quo. They changed it! These creative unknowns turned the world upside down to the point that my 4 yr old girl asks for coffee on a regular basis. If this doesn't resonate with you, bear with me! Some believe the third great awakening in America has already happened... including Wikipedia. I won't go all into that, but FINALLY, let me tell you the illustration if you haven't caught it yet. God is telling some regular people some crazy things; people that aren't full-time ministers, pastors or evangelists. They aren't on their church board but they are listening to what the Holy Spirit is doing in America. They are having dreams about things that sound, well, crazy. I have met several of these people, and after this last one, I have to write about it! We know one pilot organizing other pilots to intercede over whole cities regularly on their routes. We just met one businessman who is building RV spots on 30 acres next to his house because our Lord has given him dreams about it, and we've met multiple people with the same experience! I could tell you many stories from individuals all over the U.S. that God has spoken to in all kinds of amazing ways. It's kind of like Noah building a giant boat for a flood when it had never rained! Lots of times, things God speaks don't make sense to our human minds. God is also pouring out favor on traveling ministry. He's building a vast network with regular people (fisherman if you will). Imagine a map of the U.S.: In every state there are these "hubs" where people will come to for a time for community, healing, worship, fellowship, prayer and to prepare for battle. They will then take what they've cultivated in those places (and most importantly the secret place), and they will go out to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. If you picture hubs like larger areas on a map, and then draw routes of travel between them, what you have is something that looks strikingly similar to a GIANT NET! If there is a third great awakening that surpasses all other revivals, God is going to sustain it. People will be brought into families, into Acts 2 model churches. God is using the "everyday, average" person. These people don't look special to most, like David didn't even to his own father. But, our Heavenly Father sees past what man sees. Ezekiel 34 tells us how God seeks out His sheep. People who are actively listening and truly know God will all be part of this great move. You don't even need to be creative! The Holy Spirit has all the good ideas anyway! The third wave of coffee broke down many barriers. It went back to the basics of what coffee is. It tried to show people that coffee in its purest, simplest form is the best. Independent shops created their own individual expression of what coffee could be, but they were still tied together in the simplest ways. Likewise, God is doing something in our day that is going break many boxes of what we think church is, what ministry looks like, what trust looks like. He's taking us back to the basics, the fundamentals. He's getting rid of all the things that don't matter. He's purifying the church!! At the same time, he's releasing creative ideas in every realm of life! We're so excited about what God is doing and we will continue to walk (and drive) the path He's given us. Get out of the business of life and spend some time with TRUE LIFE today The Living Water that never runs out. May you be blessed in all He has for you.
Matthew Libby
9/4/2019 09:20:07 am
Great thoughts Josh, I thought the they had some wind on them!
Josh Hoeckle
9/4/2019 05:29:39 pm
Thanks Matthew!! So much more I wanted to put in there, but we'll chat about it 😃
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January 2021